Saturday, August 18, 2018

3rd Session (August 8, 2018) Great Masher

Into the Underdark

Killing the Dead

There is nothing worse than a skeleton or a rotting zombie. They have no blood to suckle after the battle, they stink, and they keep coming even after you slice them to pieces. 

When Vic ran into the large room with skeletons lined along one wall and rotting corpses along the other, I knew it was a trap, and I relished it. Bring me the dead so that I can send them back to the nine hells where they belong.

This was the largest room we had seen so far in this place and a huge stone chair or throne rested in the middle of the room against the far wall. The enormous rubies sparkled in the torchlight that Griffick was holding behind me.

Vic casually walked up to the throne while I proceeded to the middle of the room and readied myself. Griffick remained at the entrance, cautious as ever. Humph, I do not fear death walking or coming to bring me to the beyond. As Vic sat down I could feel the battle rush flowing through me, and then it happened. The rotting filth started slowing moving. There were nearly twenty of the things. 

I ran and started lopping off heads. Vic was smashing skeletons to bits and Griffick started throwing his magical dagger from the doorway picking off the ones we were fighting. It was a long battle and the damn things didn't want to stay dead, but I killed them all....dead this time, all the way dead.

The Dragon Cult

We found some clerics in this dungeon and pictures and symbols of dragons, both dead and alive. Undead dragons? Live dragons? Make up your minds you Zealots. This is what I thought as I cleaved one in two and oh.....

Glorious blood came spraying onto the floor. I suckled it up quickly and continued the slaughter of these idiots. It was so good to finally slay the living after so much bashing and slicing into dead and rotting flesh, breaking bones, and stomping on dried up skulls. I felt refreshed. 

Then we met the queen dragon woman, who was a human. How disgusting, and she was dressed in plate with four more of these clerics or whatever they were. I care not, it looked like they would bleed and that is all that mattered so I rushed them.  The queen cast the most frustrating spell that held Griffick in place and caused me to falter for a moment. Vic was taking her one toe-to-toe beating her. We were all near death when we noticed a large party of dark-skinned elves coming the other way and blocking us in. 

"WHAT IS THIS?" I screamed.

The leader was a woman in the back of so many men with small, handheld crossbows. She simply said, "This is entertaining. Let us see who is the victor and then take them all."

We killed all these cultists and did not get a seconds rest before a volley of bolts came flying at us, that were clearly poisoned. Curse these black elves. 

"Surrender or DIE," the elf woman said with a smile. I think she wanted us to fight.

The poison felt like sugar to me, but I could see it was worse for my companions. I did not wish to die this day, so I put down my sword and raised my arms in the air. I looked around and Griffick and Vic were doing the same.

The elves overtook us and placed bags over our heads, tied us up, and beat us senseless. I laughed at their weak kicks and punches, but eventually, I blacked out.


I woke up in a dark cavern much different than the tomb we were in before. It was a large room dimly lit by lanterns mounted on the rocky walls. It looked like there was some kind of glowing fungi inside them because I could not see a flame. 

Vic and Griffick were beside me slowly waking up, but we were not alone.

The two that caught my eye was the big cat beast and the orc. They looked dangerous.

The cat man called himself Derendil, and told us he was not a Quaggoth at all. After he started talking, his scowl disappeared and was replaced by an odd smile. He told us he was actually an elven prince that was changed into this by a curse. He is a prince of the kingdom of Nelrindenvane in the High Forest, wherever that is.

The Orc was no prince. He grabbed Griffick and lifted him up and said, "Give me you gold, I kill," and shook him violently. None of us had any weapons, but Vic was having nothing of that. He turned the Orc around and punched him in the face, hard.

The orc staggered and shook his head.

"Ront kill man now. You give me gold," and he swung at Vic who easily ducked and then gave the beast a vicious uppercut knocking him down. I ran up and kicked him as hard as I could in the crotch and he crawled to the corner whimpering.

"No kill Ront, NO!" he managed to get out while spitting blood.

He covered his face and said nothing more.

Worthless bully!

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